About the Journal

The international journal Information Technology Applications (ITA) welcomes to publish good quality papers of new development and trends, novel techniques, approaches and innovative methodologies of information technology applications in the broad areas, see the instructions for authors. The International Journal of ITA is published twice a year in July and December, exceptional issues are possible. Each paper is refereed by two international reviewers. Accepted papers are available online with no fee for authors and readers (diamond access). Authors have to declare their own Creative Commons license in footnote of their paper. The journal ITA is an open access journal, published since 2012, full in English language since 2019, Open Journal System webpage since 2023.

The international scientific journal Information Technology Applications is published by Faculty of Informatics, Pan-European University, Slovakia, https://www.paneurouni.com in collaboration with: Civil Association Education-Science-Research, Slovakia, https://v-v-v.eu and Slovak society for cybernetics and informatics, Slovakia https://www.sski.sk

ISSN online 2453-7497, print 1338-6468

The Journal is published online as well as in print. Printed issues are sended to authors for free and otherwise available for negotiated fee until they are in stock. Green access is allowed for authors to publish their papers in their own repository after two years of embargo.

This journal receives articles in the scope of information technology applications, mostly by following topics:

  •    automation & control systems
  •    computer science
  •    imaging science
  •    information & library science
  •    remote sensing
  •    robotics
  •    telecommunications
  •    transportation

   Industry 4.0 and other close areas of research and application work

Articles received for review may have a form of longer contribution or short technical report, including reports from students´ graduation theses. At first stage, editorial office selects contributions they correspond to the scope of journal and they are clearly written. English language is demanded only. At second stage, contributions are send to two anonymous reviewers for evaluation and then editorial office makes decision about acceptation. If accepted, the author receives recommendations if some exist to improve the paper and after confirmation it is scheduled to some next journal issue. Short papers with only useful informations or announcements for readers may be accepted by editorial office too.

Electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content:  www.webdepozit.sk
